We need your help! 


This is where we will post future volunteer opportunities.

Thank you for interest in volunteering! You can apply to volunteer at Rutledge (or any other LISD school), by clicking here.
You will need a valid email address to register and apply to become an LISD volunteer.
If you have questions, feel free to contact our Volunteer Coordinator Liz McDermott. 


Your Opinions Matter

It’s election time!!! Have you ever been interested in being on the PTA Executive Board? Or how about a Committee Chair position? We have positions available for next school year!! Please fill out the Google form, excited to hear from yall!!


Why join the PTA?

Successful students make successful schools— which make thriving communities. Everyone benefits when you support students!

Donate to your PTA now

We are always looking for the best way to support our teachers, students, and staff! We appreciate all donations that help make that happen!




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